PreTrial: Aberrant Behaviour (pt 1)

Absorbed in thought, Stark strode briskly down the  streets of Westbridge, his gait made somewhat  irregular as he subconsciously avoided the water puddles and mud ruts which criss-crossed the path.  It  had been some time since he had been able to return to town.  Stark looked forward to a hearty meal and a  seat close to the roaring fire of the inn to warm his  chilled bones.

Stark's mission was an important one.  Scouting the  depths of the frozen city, determining locations of  strategic importance and noting the everyday problems  which afflict the citizenry.  The pack on his back  contained some updated maps as well as information  which Lord Elbryan and High Priestess Atandella would  find most interesting.

His hasty walk is suddenly halted by the appearance of  a shrouded form that seemingly springs from nowhere.   Aghast, Stark's eyes take in the dark blue flowing  robes and emblazoned shield bearing the crest of  Istishia.  A low seething hiss escapes his beak.

"Just my luck to fall across the path of Quaster, yet  again.", Stark silently curses to himself.  He quickly  flourishes his cloak, concealing his damning cache of  documents, while leveling a heated gaze upon his  opponent.