FLAMEs in Polaris (part 4)

Stark levels a piercing gaze about the gathered crowd as he continues to speak the tempo of his words matched by the people's chilled breaths.

"The Istishians claim that they were forced to create their church as a means to counter the spread of Kossuthian influence throughout the lands.  Given that there was no devouted worship to Lord Flame until well after the Istishians became actively promoting his downfall in the realms, we must ask what exactly their true motivations are.  There have even been accusations made by the Church of Istishia against the Crimson Guardians, claims that the clan is merely a pawn of Lord Fire in enacting his plots about the  realms... again unfounded and clearly untrue.

FLAME was created by Lord Fire in order to balance the growing expanse of power and misinformation that was being spread by the Church of Istishia.  Alarmingly, the Istishians espoused the extinguishment of all fire from the realms.  Not only would this effect magic profoundly, but it would also cause a detrimental and lethal effect upon the very realms, should this ever be permitted to come about.  The elemental balance must be maintained.  It is FLAME's duty to maintain  it, not eradicate or eliminate CoI as they are want to  do of us.

We accept the necessity of the Water element in the  balance of life and expect the same respect from them  in return.  For what is life without the SPARK of  flame, the BREATH of wind, the BODY of earth and the  VITALITY of water.

Lord Kossuth is a beneficient and gracious god.  His  blessings ensure that our crops grow, that the  harshness of winter comes to timely end, that the  realms are bathed in light, and that we have the use  of almighty fire in all its forms against the wilds  and beasts of the realms.

Allow us to aid your suffering city by bathing it in  the warming glow of his blessings.  The time for  Polaris to be recognized by the realms has come...  allow us to take you there." 

Stark takes a deep breath as he steps down from the  fountain.  He smiles broadly as he hands out all of the parchments to the waiting people.