Krogenar in the Inn

Kaz sat quietly and listened to the discussion in the inn around him. He drank his usual brew, and kept his cloak low.  He had stripped himself of all of his identifying marks so that the people around him would not know who he was.  Kaz was infuriated by what Krogenar was telling the people. How dare he accuse the FLAME of using the city for their own purpose. Sure the city held some benifits for the FLAME.  But Kaz had been around long enough to know that Elbryan would never let any harm come to the Citizens.

Long after the people had left the inn.  Kaz had some time to think about what had just happened.  Finally later that night Kaz decided to go report to Elbryan. Kaz Told elbryan everything that he had overheard that night. Elbryan was less than pleased with the whole thing.  After telling his story Kaz  Left Elbryan to think about what to do next.  Kaz knew Elbryan would know what to do about Krogenar.  He always seemed to know what to do. Kaz was glad that the Flame had the two capable leaders that it did.  Otherwise FLAME would not have lasted as long as it has.   With his work for the night done, Kaz went out to the city of Darrowmere to sit int he forrest for a while, to calm his nerves...