Rasma's new RP part 3 *And last :P*

A battle ensues for nearly a day, spells that have never been uttered in this realm are thrown back and forth, until Rasma finally gains the upper hand, and utters "Infra abduco aufero quovis!" and gathers so much energy into him self that a slight light can be seen within his body. A shocked look comes upon Tyrannus' face as he slowly melts down through the floor Rasma then collapses once again. When Rasma comes to, everyone is surrounding him, asking a multitude of questions all at once. "What happened Rasma?" Rasma answers, "I have found who I truly am, I now have a REAL past, I now have a REAL future As bad as it is I have one." Another person asks, "So it is true? You really murdered those people?" A slight pause comes before Rasma finally answers "Yes, it is true I killed them all" A tear draws to his eye, and falls to the ground. From it, a small flower grows. "So is it also true that you are still that way? Are you still a cold blooded murderer as Tyrannus said?" Rasma replies, "I am whatever I decide to be, I have already showed myself this, I and only I, decide my future, and I chose life. Not just for me, but for all. I WILL make sure that I am never controlled again, I am the ruler of my fate, and so it shall be" Rasma's RP has changed!!! Wow, you actually read all that? That has GOT to be worth something :P Hope you liked it :P