The Beginning Pt. I

After many days of endless stress I made my way to the Blue Moon Tavern. I Pulled a few coins out of my pocket, slammed them on the bar and demanded service. The Bartender hustled his way to where I was sitting 'What are ya drinkin?' he asked, I replied 'Give me a bottle of your finest wine'. He pulled a 12 ounce of his best White Whine and poped the cork, and poured me a glass, 'Have the whole thing, you look like you need it'. 'Thanks' I said, chuckling a bit. 'Don't mention it'. I picked up the bottle and glass and caught out of the corner of my eye the image of the women whom I have come to love very much. I let out a slight whistle trying to catch her attention, success!! she slowly walked to me with the brightest smile I've ever seen on her face. Strolling up behind was her pet Kaji purring away like always. I beckoned for her to follow but instead she rushed by me sneaking off to the Back Room of the Tavern. I quickly followed her path, moving from room to room, trying hard at the same time to not spill my drink. Finally I made it to Back Room panting as if I had just had a battle with Tchazzar and won (out of pure luck). Looking around the room I noticed she had somehow pushed the two chairs together making it seem as if it was a couch. I sat on one of the chairs, Wine Glass and Bottle in hand, poured some more wine, I noticed Xairin had a puzzled look on her face, she said 'What's that for?', I told her 'It's just a little wine, never hurt anybody.'.