*A dream*

*Detached she watches the young girl (herself??) Sitting by the side of a river at the edge of a vast lake in a lush forest glade. * "The time is coming for much change Ea.." She hears a young man mention a name (is he talking to her?) "All is a cycle, but know this, I will always love you." The young girl turns and sees him, wondering "What is he talking about ?" In, his hand are a number of different stones, he separates 3 and puts them in his other hand, then closes it When he opens it there is a plain silver ring in it. Bemused, she watches as this is done again,then one more time. 'One for you, one for me, and one for Eternity" he says as he give her one of the rings. She doesn't see what he does with the other rings but somehow feels he has pushed one into the riverbank. "What do you mean Mae"..(His name she speaks yet she has no feelings for him) He sighs and turns to the river again. The sky grows dark till all she can see is him or the river. She knows the wind has risen to a storm like fury, the river now churns, washing branches from (?) the lake. A woman's body washes up, momentarily, swollen with child, silently she gives birth to a bleach white pillow shaped object, then her body continues down the river trailing blood.. She turns to look alongside the man. The young girl (her) is gone now. But a large female baby is sitting there, with the remnants of the casing at its feet. (Is the baby overly large, or just the center of her focus??) Dimly she realizes the man is gone too. Then all goes dark.