Altared Beginning 1

The lights played off the shimmering waterfall as Danthor, Simbul and Seline made their way through the tunnel. As the three approached the edge of the lake, they turned and silently followed it toward the waterfall. The three walked in a single-file line, Danthor in the middle. As Seline stooped to duck under a few loose, crawling vines, she turned her head slightly towards Danthor, a trancelike look upon her face. This was not the serene half-elf that he had come to know so well. This was the face of someone in distress. As Seline rigidly approached the waterfall, Danthor and Simbul turned to exchange a silent glance. Once there, Danthor stood back from the other two, wondering what could possibly be found so deep in the recesses of Mystra's Isle. Danthor leaned in a bit closer, lowering his voice .. "Do you know why she has brought us here?" "I must admit, I am not sure. Though it seems she is about to reveal her purpose," replied Simbul. Danthor nodded, slowly, eyes squinched shut against the moist, almost saturated, air. "Aye, but she does not seem herself." As the two slowly turned their gazes back to Seline, they noticed that she had already made her way through the waterfall and out into a hidden cavern on the other side. The two colleagues strode forward intently, moving as one, curious as to this area previously unknown to Mystra's Chosen. As Danthor stepped quickly after Simbul through the rushing water, he was taken aback at what he saw there. Seline, on all fours, was digging frantically, almost mechanically, at the ground, clawing and ripping up chunks of earth and wood. Her hands had become bloody ribbons by this point, but the distraught half-elf seemed determined to unearth something in this dark, damp place. All the while, Seline continuously muttered "One for you, one for me, and one for Eternity. One for you, one for me, and one for eternity" in a deep feverish voice. Simbul stood passively aside, awaiting the completion of Seline's mysterious task. Shocked, Danthor knelt beside Seline, thinking to aid her in her efforts, until ..looking into her eyes, Danthor senses another's emotions, thoughts and, most of all, fear. Danthor leapt back to Simbul's side, frantically moving towards Seline, then away, towards, then away. Before Danthor could decide on what action to take, Seline sat back, obviously exhausted and bleeding profusely from her hands, and fainted.