Rest and Relaxation

The setting sun over the mountains was dazzling as Hellstrom watched the rays of light shift to all of the varying hues of red. This was the same spot that Hellstrom had found Emalia asleep the night before. Now he understood the draw. The sunset here was amazing. His thoughts had been confused and clouded all day since his and Emalia's talk after she had awoken to find herself not where she had fallen asleep. She had sat with him for a long while with her shoulder touching his.

Hellstrom was grateful for the time Elbryan gave him to sort this out for himself. The dealings with Lharka Therru and other pressing matters had left Hellstrom little time to think of anything else much less matters of the heart.

Normally the quiet noises of the forest would settle Hellstrom's mind, but this day it was not the case. His mind should be on the dealings with the Talosian woman, but again not the case. Instead his mind kept returning to the sunrise he had shared with Emalia.

Finally some time later after the sun had set, Hellstrom went back to the tree he had rested against while watching over Emalia. He sat down and slipped into the dreamless sleep like state that was the only rest he ever allowed himself the whole while analyzing that morning.