Prayers Answered

Emalia was closing the gap fast between herself and the eager water below. She really hadn't thought this through much at all, and felt incredibly stupid that this was how she was going to die. In the middle of nowhere, until she either became fish food, or her body - bloated and unidentifiable no less - would wash up on some distant island. She could almost smell the rot of her own flesh. She looked up again, "Please, Apprentice, if you are there... I believe you are... save me. I know I've had my doubts, I know that I've recently been worried what path to choose, but if you lend me a hand-"

"Man overboard!" Emalia heard the cry somewhere in the distance. She turned, noticing for the first time a rather large boat. It was sleek and even with its size looked thin - obviously made for cutting through the waters at high speed. Its sails fluttered in the wind, thrusting it quickly along the waves. On deck, several men, built with corded muscles, vainly fought with rope to turn the sails. On the deck, amidst the vainly working men, a very short woman raced to the rail.

Emalia was unable to speak, much less ask for help, with her shock being so deep. The Apprentice *had* heard her... he had answered her prayer... he- *Splaooonkshhh* The short woman hit the sea water like a rock. Emalia's mouth fell open even as she drifted further down. Amazed, she watched as the woman that had dropped from the merchant ship resurfaced and swam toward her.

"Gotcha," she barely heard the woman whisper. As soon as the feeling of something solid touched her feet, Emalia looked to the woman, then to the boat, then to the heavens, and passed out with the words, "Thank you," wafting from her lips to be lost on the breeze.