The Final Errand

A Letter left sealed with Hellstrom's family ring laying on the Crimson Guardians sanctuary coffee shop.

To The Guardians It has come to my attention that I have caused more pain and discourse in my dealings with people than I had ever realized I could. My presence may have lost this family the presence of one who is far more deserving of the title of guardian than I. Therefore I have decided to self impose exile on myself for a time. I do not know where I am going, but I will be unreachable. Should I live, I will be back. Should i never return, my belongings few though they may be should go to whomever should need them. Thank you my friends, and may we all meet again in a brighter time. 

Signed Hellstrom Oldostin

The letter delivered, Hellstrom knew it would be some time before it would be read by any of the Guardians. With a last look at his home for the past few years, Hellstrom turned away and with his bear disappeared into the wilderness. With no idea of which direction to take he headed to the northwest into the chill and snows of the mountains. Thankful that he thought to bring some heavier clothes he climbed to get a better view of the surrounding area and decided to keep with his northwesterly direction. He saw no cities in that path from his mountain perch and that was exactly what he wanted.

As night fell Hellstrom found himself in the valley between two mountains.

He found an old evergreen tree and made camp under its ancient branches for the night. He careful took out The insignia he had removed from his good traveling cloak. The feel of it still gave him comfort though he dare not handle it for long lest someone find out where he was through the magical link it held with the others of its kind. Hellstrom looked out through the breaks in the branches back in the direction he had come and whispered to himself, "I will be back," and with that placed the insignia careful back in one of the pockets of his traveling backpack, and lay down to get whatever rest his frayed mind would let him have.