
As Colin sprinted at full speed with the combined weight of all their gear on his back he felt none of it. He gave hardly a thought to what damage he might be doing to his body. After all, he wasn't worried about himself, but if something happened to Emalia... Colin willed his legs to move even faster as he kept his eye on Nephesh and Hellstrom flying overhead. He would not be able to catch them, but he was determined not to lose sight of them. It would have been so much easier to just be up there too, but Colin was fairly sure the potion would have had no effect for him, and that would have raised questions that Colin did not want to face, not with the prospect of meeting up with Emalia present. At least Colin was grateful that they had accepted his refusal without question.

When he first saw the two flying figures descending Colin didn't know why, but then he saw it, a thin wisp of smoke snaking its way towards the heavens. Colin immediately veered his course towards its source, his thick legs thrashing the sparse undergrowth before him as he left the path. It took only minutes for Colin to reach the small fire and he dropped the packs at the sight of its creator standing there talking to Nephesh and Hellstrom. Emalia looked every bit like an angel to Colin, her white robes peeking out beneath a brown traveling cloak and her hair shimmering with the rain that still clung to it. He rushed over to her, oblivious to her look of disbelief still directed towards Hellstrom.

Colin wanted nothing more than to take Emalia in his arms yet he resisted. After all, she had decided to leave on her own. He would have to take comfort instead in the fact that she appeared unharmed. As the four of them spoke it wasn't long before Colin came to the realization that Emalia knew their woodsman companion and it was then Colin learned the name he had missed the first time around: Hellstrom. To Colin, it felt like he had just been clubbed in the gut. Not only did they know each other, but here was Emalia's recent love, and they had led him right to her.

"I have to get rid of him." was Colin's first thought, yet he paused. It was true that Hellstrom had been invaluable in finding Emalia, which Colin voiced aloud, and if he said or did the wrong thing he only risked pushing Emalia away. However the sight of Emalia's hand resting on Hellstrom's arm as she spoke to him urged Colin to do something.

"Where do you think you will go from here?" Colin inquired of Hellstrom, hoping to prompt him along his way. However, the move quickly backfired on him as both Nephesh and Emalia requested for Hellstrom to join them.

It seemed that Hellstrom was the only one who understood the suggestion in Colin's inquiry and he attempted to refuse, "As much as I would enjoy company after so long alone my presence here will only serve to cause problems."

Things still didn't go as Colin had hoped when it dawned on Emalia what Hellstrom was referring to. "Oh no..." she whispered and looked to the ground."Why can't she let him go!?" Colin thought to himself with an unseen scowl, "He has caused her such pain and I have been there with her every step of the way. He doesn't deserve her! I should just spare her the trouble and eliminate..." his thoughts were redirected with the speed of a sword parry, "I have to talk to him. I will show Emalia that I have changed."

As Emalia pulled Nephesh aside to speak to him Colin took the opportunity to offer his own invitation to Hellstrom. Colin was dismayed at how quickly Hellstrom accepted, but the words had already been said.

Hellstrom went off into the woods with his bow and Colin was left with only his thoughts. Had he really made the right decision? He wanted to show Emalia a different side of him, and Hellstrom could be a true asset in the journey ahead, but he had just invited the competition for Emalia's love to travel with them further.

Colin was broken from his thoughts when Emalia came up from behind to speak to him. Unfortunately, the first thing she asked wasn't his first choice of subjects. "Where did Hellstrom go?"

Colin sighed to himself and kept his gaze on the grass at his feet. "I think he's hunting."

When his response was met with silence Colin realized he wasn't going to bring Emalia closer to him with his current attitude. He stood up, brushed himself off, and turned to face Emalia with a smile forced upon his face.

Emalia gave him a look of gratitude and spoke quietly, "Thank you Colin. I'm very sorry I've been so spiteful."

Colin shrugged off the words but within his spirits immediately lifted. "No, you've been under a lot of pressure, that's all." "I'm going to try to do better. I know you want what is best for me."

The words moved Colin deeply, an encouraging breeze for the flame of hope within him which moments ago felt in danger of being snuffed out. Colin knew not what to say, instead simply offering a friendly hug. Colin was elated when she accepted the hug with a smile. As he held her close he was very aware of her slender body pressed against him, the softness of her still damp hair against his cheek. He never wanted this moment to end, yet he knew if it lingered too long in silence it wouldn't be right. Still close to her, Colin brought up how worried he had been and they spoke briefly about Emalia's scuffles. They finally parted when Nephesh came over to pester Colin about where their supplies were and Emalia was drawn over to Hellstrom's offer of cooked venison.

Colin forced himself to eat with the rest, dismayed as he was watching Emalia sitting beside Hellstrom as they did so. However, Emalia's words and her touch still lingered in his mind, granting him patience and hope. He would hold onto those thoughts throughout his sleepless night by the fire, long after laying Emalia down to rest.