
The trip down the mountain went without incident of outside influence. Once a man nearly slipped down a steep slope, but with a quick spell of levitation, his life was spared. Upon reaching camp, the clamor of another successful excursion burst through the group. One last night was to be spent here, before their return the following day. As the sun faded and all returned to their tents a few remained outside to take in the feeling of accomplishment, Kashmir and John among them.

They stood out on the Eastern ridge of the plateau upon which their trail had begun. "Soon, " John said to Kashmir, "Soon you will be back with her. We are fortunate that we needed only be gone for such a short amount of time. "

Kashmir nodded, "I had promised her I'd return by the week's end, however. " He chuckled, "I am already late, she will have both my ears when I return. "

John scoffed, "Well you would be the deserving recipient for having foolishly promised your timeliness! "

Laughing Kashmir nodded, "As we men always our in our loving wives eyes. "

Yawning John turned around towards the camp, "I fear I must retire. The night is growing late and we've still a few days travel ahead of us. You should think about doing the same. "

John nodded, "I am sure all is well. The world is not a perfect place, so never will it feel so. Especially not to one such as you. Good night, Kashmir. "

As John walked off, Kashmir turned back towards the East. A feeling of pure dread washed over his body. He kneeled in prayer.

As he awoke the next morning, Kashmir left his tent, the rising sun greeting him from the base of the mountain. He had slept longer than he desired but felt quite rested. The negative feeling swimming through his mind had not been extinguished however. There still remained doubt that everything was well.

To his surprise, John was still on the mountain, whereas mostly everybody else had departed before the sun arose. Walking over to him with a smile John greeted him. "Morning! I decided I'd ride back with you today, and you have no say in matter. " Laughing Kashmir grinned, "your presence is always accepted, brother. Is this decision absent reason? "

"Is companionship not reason enough!? " John laughed. "Come, you lazy child, your slumber has wasted much of the day already! "

It had indeed, having wanted to leave long before now, Kashmir was beyond tardy for departure. Wrapping up the last of their supplies and stringing them to their saddles, they both mounted their horses and set off down the mountain. With the Gods' favor they would make as good of time on their return they did on their arrival.

During the entire travel home, Kashmir could not shake his feeling that something was amiss. He only wish through all his wondering and his prayers of the first night on the trip back, that something would reveal the meaning of his worry.

"Kashmir, " John said his name in a low voice, threaded with concern. "What's that, over there? "

Kashmir looked towards the direction of John's outstretched finger, directly in front of them on the horizon. A black cloud filled the sky at the far reaches of their sight, stringing up from the ground and expanding as it reached the clouds. Smoke. For the past few hours they had been on a direct course towards Kashmir's home, John had planned to stay the night with him and his wife, as his residence was another day's march south. The smoke that lay in front of them, lay in the direction of his home and village. Were they burning crops?

"I don't know, " Kashmir replied. "Perhaps the village is burning waste. Around this time of year anything from the harvest that isn't to be used is burned. The smoke is not generally so black though... " He looked over at John, who's expression was riddled with doubt. The same feeling of utter horror washed over Kashmir again. This is what had been nagging at his senses for the past two days.

"John, we must hurry."

With that, the two kicked their horses into a gallop, speeding towards the village.