
She scooped Orn into her arms, smiling down at the little boy. "I think we will go outside again." At the squeal of the boy, she sailed through the house. She took Orn's stick in hand, sending the little boy into excited kicking and clapping. They went out to the same place they'd been going the past few days since Colin left: the leaning pine by the spring.

She set Orn down and handed him the stick. It never ceased to amaze her how silent Orn became when he held it. He would tilt his little blonde head to the side, listening, then babble back. She wished she could hear what he heard, but she would have to content herself in the silence. As she watched, Orn suddenly looked up at her, holding his stick aloft, waiting for her to take it. She smiled, expecting nothing but to humor the boy, but today was different. 'Mama share Orn stick.' The little boy looked into her eyes - she wanted to cry. 'Mama sad?'

'No, no dear heart,' she spoke through the stick. 'Mama is very happy.'

'Daddy go bye-bye?'

'Yes, but he will be home soon.'

'Daddy bye-bye make Orn sad,' Orn looked at her, his wide brown eyes swimming in unshed tears.

'Don't cry. Daddy will be home soon. Let's talk to the tree!'

'Orn talk tree! Mama talk Orn!'

She released the stick and watched as Orn kicked his legs in excitement, all pain of Colin's departure vanished for now. She stood him up and thought for a moment, taking hold of the stick. 'You walk with Mama.'

'Mama lift Orn. Up!'

'No, little love. Let's learn to walk. Move your leg.'

Orn held his end of the stick with one hand and held his other arm out for balance. His little mind went into its own chatter, 'Orn walk, Orn talk tree! Orn walk, Orn talk tree!' With wobbly, stout legs he began to take his first steps. After long minutes, they reached the leaning pine and the tiny boy squealed with delight.

'Good boy, Orn! You're a big boy!'

'Orn walk fast. Big boy!'

She smiled as the boy put his hand on the bark. Still holding the stick, she could feel the change in the stick and the deep voice from the tree, 'Small human, why do you wake me?'

'Orn big boy. Orn talk tree. Mama talk Orn.' Orn looked over at her with an easy grin that reminded her of Colin - the grin that said, "I'm proud of you." She could only chuckle at the similarity before turning her focus to the pine to ask it for help.