By Forces Known

Sanria knew something was definitely wrong when Colin didn't accompany her to bed that night. She wasn't sure where he had gone and while it worried her a little, she also understood that he may very well be taking care of other things. She stayed up, reading with Leandra nearby until the man slogged into the room. "Colin... where were you?"

"I ah... was training."

"Training? You haven't trained in... a long time."


Something was definitely wrong here. "Please, what is it?"

"I had a long talk with Velentham." And there it was. Sanria sighed and shook her head, closing her book.

"What did he say?"

"A lot, actually. I really think he should leave. He threatened me, well, I guess I threatened him back but still..."

"What happened?"

Colin repeated the things Velentham had told him and the blood drained from Sanria's face. "It isn't true, is it?" he asked her when discussing Thasmudyan.

"Well... I..." Sanria knew she couldn't hide it. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "You said you didn't feel anything."

"Because it didn't matter, Colin. No matter what I felt, I chose you."


The look of pain on Colin's face tore Sanria's heart to pieces. She wanted to make it go away, but he continued asking her, and she continued to confirm what Velentham had said. "Do you think about them when you're with me?" he asked, looking down. The breath caught in Sanria's throat. How could she deny that many a time she had wanted the man at her side to not be Colin, but someone else?

"Sometimes..." she whispered. She looked over at the pain on Colin's face and turned him to face her. "I don't think you should ask me any other questions."


"Because they don't matter."

Sanria waited, hoping that the message would sink in. Hoping Colin would under- stand that she was here, with him, and not the others. At long last, he did. "You're right, damn it. We're together and all that matters is us."

"That's right," Sanria replied, pulling him into an embrace. "I'll have a talk with Velentham - he needs to be set straight."

"Do you think that's wise? I mean, he's proven he'll say anything. He means to take you away."

"Take me away?" Sanria shook her head. "I think it will be fine. If he said that, he'll not do anything to me. He needs to hear it again, I'm with you."