
Velentham had been on the planes of Avernus before. Though demons weren't commonly found in large numbers, he had slain them all the same. He knew, however, not to cross down into the lower levels on his own. He knew he simply couldn't survive the blinding fury that would boil his blood and send him into a frenzy. At least with the amulet, he felt more at ease, he felt his mind was still his own.

The trio made it to the mile-high pillar of skulls without incident. It was slipping down the spire of Dis Citadel into the city of Dis itself that threatened to send Velentham into a rage. His father's invisibility kept the denizens from detecting them, but to have to pass right beside a being that stood out to his Avoral eyes as dark as night without running it through was nearly all Velentham could stand. Coupled with the intense heat that threatened to drain them all of every ounce of moisture in their bodies - Velentham found himself having a hard time from the start.

The layout of the Nine Hells was simple. The lowest point of the plane above connected to the highest point of the plane below. In this way, each plane was connected and went ever deeper. Demons and hellspawn traversed the pathways constantly - some planes were more populated than others - and each one seemed to grow in difficulty, be it the landscape or the lord that ruled each one.

The trio passed through the burning city of Dis, down to the plane of Minauros from the City of Chains, passing through swamps that boiled with acid and others that froze, down to the plane of Phlegethos and the City of Abriymoch and the fires of hell that threatened to char the skin from their flesh. The deeper they went, the more beings Velentham ran into, the less his mind remained coherent. He knew he was slipping - each time a hellspawn neared him, he would let out a moan, unable to stop himself. He would shake, and at times, he would catch himself seeing nothing but the dark shapes of demons in his sight - his eyes glowing silver disks.