Seeking Guardian

The stream outside the cavern did little to soothe Sanria's mind as Orn gripped her finger, dragging her over to the leaning pine. "Alright," she said, "You talk to the tree." She watched as Orn stuck his little jaw out - looking so much like his father when he was confused or processing information.

"Trees say Papa very far away," Orn said. "Why he go so far away?"

"I know he is," Sanria said, tears dropping from her face. "But he will come back to see you, I'm sure."

"Mama... I no understand. Trees say people took papa from here."

Sanria still didn't believe the information, even when Orn put her hand to the tree trunk and forced her to listen. "The one you call Colin," began the tree, "he was felled here, beneath my branches - harvested."

"Where is he? Do you know?" Sanria asked with desperation.

"Why do you ask such a silly question?"


"Of course... and if you only opened your eyes, you would see as well."

The tears of frustration crowded Sanria's eyes and forced out frustrated sobs. "I can't do this!"

"Is ok Mama," Orn said. "I help."

The small child took hold of her hand and Sanria got a glimpse of a far off place - a mountaintop. "I... I know that place... I... I've seen it in a dream... but..."

"He has been uprooted and transplanted to that place," said the tree.

"You can find him there if you wish. Now, young one, will you let me sleep? You are so noisy."

"But, where is it?" Sanria asked.

"Dark Con... Cont... Content," Orn pronounced happily.

"Dark Content. Okay. We... we have to find a way."

"Yes, we find Papa!" Orn beamed.

They let the tree fall back into its slumber and Sanria rose and walked toward the cavern. She had named herself. The tree said that to do so would open her worlds. She concentrated, Orn at her feet, and focused on the Dark Content. Words filled her mouth, her mind working on a level far deeper than her consciousness. Within a moment, a moonwell burst into view. Mesmerized, Orn toddled forward and slipped, but before he could fall, Sanria caught him on the other side - high above a sea coast in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.