After Discussions...

As Kineada watched Sanria walking away, and thought to himself that it wasn't the worst view he'd seen this fine day, he sighed and stretched his weary muscles once again.

He had agreed to meet with this..Femoch? Fenlock?..character, but then Kineada was never in the habit of turning down any sort of invitation from a member of the fairer sex.

It was these same members of the opposite gender that more often than not seemed to get him mixed up in what he used to call "adventures", but now viewed more as "slight annoyances".

"But why should it be?" Kin muttered to himself. "When did I become so complacent and....lazy?"

Drawing a bit of his katana from its sheathe, Kin thumbed the edge of the blade, and was completely unsurprised to find it a bit on the dull side. "As my wits surely are following as well..."

The sound of pleadings drew his attention a bit down Main Street from Festival Square. Two Vectorian Cityguards appeared to be bullying an old woman. With a frown and a self-admonition for allowing himself to be cut off from the trials and tribulations of those around him for far too long a time now, Kineada chanted a dweomer that polymorphed the guards into newts, allowing the startled old woman to scurry away.

"Perhaps some adventure is exactly what I need..." Kineada mused as he prepared the spell to transport him back to his sanctum.