The Floating Island

Vorcet walked in silence next to the large golden man, taking in the sights of the opulent castle it seemed he may be shortly moving into.  "For someone who had questions, you are relatively silent wizard." Garlech said without looking at him.

"I've a multitude of question I would love to ask but it's very difficult finding a place to start after learning so many things you diddnt know could exist." Vorcet explained.  "I have studdied the ruins of Myth Drannor for longer than the average mortal lifespan. I gave up my mortality to be able to continue to do so as I knew there was a lesson in there somewhere. I've fought the Lich thats entrenched in the temple there.  However, in all of this time, not once have i ever heard of the Rilmani." Vorcet eyed the gold skinned giant as they continued their walk.

"We have had countless millenia to perfect watching without being seen Vorcet."  Garlech said with a hint of amusement in his voice.  "The demons themselves coming through their gates is actually what allows us to pass into and out of the prime material plane.  Also, I believe that what I am about to show you will explain things a bit better."

Garlech lead Vorcet through an archway and onto a balcony overlooking the island below,and the edge pf the island where it dropped away completely hundreds of feet straight down.  "This island floats?" Vorcet asked with more than a bit of confusion. "Indeed" responded Garlech.  "But...  That means...  There is a Mythallar here.  But all of those were lost when Karsus tried to steal the power of a god."

"All but one of the Netheril cities was lost.  And we Rilmani have agents on all planes of existance." Garlech responded as he looked out over the island.  "Have you given thought to our proposal?"

"I had already made up my mind about that before we left the meeting room Garlech.  However, this conversation has just cemented that that for me.  It apears as though I have more to learn than I had even considdered." Vorcet responded

"Real wisdom is knowing that there is always more to learn."  The golden man said around the smirk on his face.  "Let me show you the rest of the castle and your quarters."