Deja Vu

There is another crack and spark of bright light, causing the man to start and jerk upright, well as much as he can, before wincing in pain. He feels wetness on his face, and then he hears it, rain. Calming slightly he pulls his leg off the roots and swivels to rest his back on the tree and begins to examine the bandages. Thinking to himself, "No time to rebandage my legs, Ive got to find shelter." as the downfall of rain increases.

Looking around intently searching for some form of shelter he doesnt see any, however he starts to feel deja vu, again thinking to himself "Have I been here before? Why does this place look familiar?" Trying to pull himself to his feet, only to fall back down again groaning in pain, he looks skyward into the fall of rain. Looking back at his surroundings wondering why of all places he could have appeared this feels familiar.

Noticing a small animal trail he begins to crawl towards it, rain spattering his face as he drags himself towards it. Gasping for breath as he reaches the path he pauses for a minute, looking toward the sky again, "This place is familiar to me, I must have been here before." he turns toward the east facing a gentle sloped hill.

Pulling himself along, all the while grimacing at the pain, he heads toward the top of the slope as if he were called there.