Church of Celestia

Faction name: Church of Celestia
Faction type: Clan
Status: Defunct  

Alignment: Neutral good

This clan was based on the goodness in the realms, and opposed evil in any way it came, as it despised it. However, to despise evil or simply to wish to protect the realms, was not enough reason to justify membership. Membership required swearing to live by the ways of the goddess Celestia.

Their goddess Celestia did neither believe in unnecessary war, nor revenge or vengeance. Thus no other  member within the church was allowed to harbour such feelings as well. Celestia believed not only that there was good in anyone, but also that life was the greatest adventure. Those who were quick to anger or were subject to follow anyone without the knowledge as to why they did, were not allowed to call themselves a devoted follower. The Celestians considered patience and a kind word important, as these could do far greater things than anything else. Celestians also knew that the balance of good and evil had to remain in one form or another. And this was in part why they were more neutral good than good aligned.

Potential members had to be pure in their intentions, strong willed against temptation, honor-bound and required great patience to deal with the rest of the world and its faults.The Celestians realized that the purpose of their church was not an easy one, but it was seen as the purpose to protect and aid those in great need. Strength of mind and spirit was thus seen as essential and commitment as one for the rest of your lifetime.

The Church of Celestia eventually merged with several other organizations to form the Pax Faerunis.