Current Character Description - Sammian Aeryth D'Ryne

Rebirth, the transcendence of life beyond death, for Sammian Aeryth D'Ryne such is true, the venerated paladin of old had perished, only to ascend beyond his mortality. Awe-inspiring indeed, two pairs of beautiful, feathery wings of pure white protrude from the backside of his magestic figure. His white hair is woven with regal streaks of silver, constrasting the golden hue of his skin, falling shoulder length in a cascade of disheveled waves. His eyes are lambent blue, illuminating his ageless features.

A seraphim borne on four wings, a symbolic figure attributed to his chivalrous, charismatic persona and the power derived from the domains affiliated with nature. Reborn anew, he now serves a higher purpose, within the core of all-creation and destruction, a guardian eternal, ever vigilant over the very cycle of life and death, mending disruptions to the delicate balance of the grand design. An epitome of good, he radiates an aura of influence, enigmatic and benevolent in nature. An angelic vassal of the nature dieties.