Current Character Description - Wermidon

Standing tall, and well built, this grizzly orc looks wartorn and stoic. A scar runs down the top of his head through one of his eyes, that is covered by an eye-patch. His good eye is a piercing blue, with a gaze equally as intense. His pure color clashes with his silver white hair. The silver and white would rages like a river cascading into a waterfall down his back is it weren't kept neatly as it is. His nose is is large and almost piggish. His mouth is is more of a maw, large eye teeth  protrude from between his lips on both upper and lower jawlines. His shoulders are broad, as any orcs would be. His body is toned as if he does daily manual labor, but certainly defined as a warrior. His torso shows the scars of a combatent, each slash, pierce and magical burn shine forth as a testiment to his divine fortitude. His arms and legs also tell the stories of his days of combat. A deep sense of the divine, and the elements surrounds him, as if both nature and the power of the gods have been imbued within his very being.