Years of Waiting, Not in Vain

Standing in the ruins of the temple Vorcet peered around himself intently, taking it all in.  The pillars, the statue. It all rang sang to Vorcet. The focus of his research into planatary travel was right before his eyes.  He looked over at the wizard that had brought him here. It was very odd to recieve a summons from a wizard he had never met. However the information had been incredibly tempting. 

Vorcet bid Corleone wait a moment and with an uttered incantation was swept back to his house in Torregianno. He quickly marched his way into Elbryan's old office in the mansion and released the magical seal on the cabinet that had been set in behind a book case in the wall. He lifted the mundane latch and out popped the door of the stash of magical artifacts Vorcet kept secret.

He rifled through the pile until he found what he was looking for. A leather satchel containing a set of twelve scrolls. Scrolls containing information regarding the Netherese and the last city of Netheril. The memory though years old was still fresh in Vorcet's mind. Recieving gifts from a god was not something to be forgotten.

Vorcet pulled the scrolls out to inspect them before travelling back to the ruins of the shadow temple. The first three were in order, however the fourth scroll had faded beyond recovery. The other 8 apeared to be just fine as well. It apeared that Mask did not want the information from that scroll remembered.  Smirking to himself, Vorcet made his way to the library on the main level of the mansion and pulled a slip of paper from the scroll rack in the back of the room. He unfolded it and read again through the text of the fourth scroll.  Fortunate that he had thought to make coppies of all of the scrolls.

Packing the scrolls into the satchel, Vorcet uttered the words to return him to the shadow temple. Once inside Vorcet pulled the scrolls from the bag and laid them out in order upon the stone table for Corleone to inspect.

"Where in the hells did you obtain these?"
Corleone asked after reading for several minutes.

"Lets just say that Ive had my fair share of run ins with some of our currently missing deities." Vorcet muttered by way of response.  "A trick was played and one of the scrolls faded in storage.  It seems intentional.  Fortunately I am the sort to leave nothing to chance."

"It doesnt answer all of the questions though."  Corleone said thoughtfully.

"No, But it is a damned good start."  Vorcet responded hopefully.  "I suggest we get to work."