Current Character Description - Strega

The scholars will tell you 'Stregheria' is an old-world word for 'witchcraft.'  Not wishing her name to be known, the outsider uses Strega as it appears harmless enough.  As does she.  Appearing to be yet another religious sorceress draped in long black robes, she is often seen sitting quietly, watching.  Always watching while being  watched by none.

She's not unfriendly, she engages in small talk with those she encounters but she keeps a feeling of distance between herself and others as if she must always have her shields up.  She is a skilled witch with only one thing that truly matters to her, her Liege.  He whose name she whispers away from the non believers.

Her face is often hidden behind her black cloak and if one were to look carefully and at the right moment, one might see numbers or symbols seemingly burned into her right hand, no explanation has ever been offered. She is fairly easy to pass over as her simple dress and quiet manner seem to offer no threat or wealth or particular worth.

This is how she wants it, this is how it is to be.  For now.  For Him.