Last Exhale

Claire sent the boy for the wizard, and the old esper came, knowing what she wanted.  'Please,' Claire said, breathlessly.  'That's my daughter out there. I have to help, I have to stop this.' 
'Kra'ineba...' the wizard stammered. 'If  you don't help  me, she'll die, and I want no more bloodshed!'

The  old one  nodded, and Claire felt the magic that held her in the tent release.  She ran out to find a ferocious battle, one raging only because  her daughter was part Celestial and able to keep herself sharp. But her mistake was coming outside, into Mirin's view.

Mirin raised her hand and Victoria shot a blast of energy into Mirin's side. Claire rushed forward into the fray just as Ruthivan slammed his massive paw down. Claire felt every bone in her body shiver, then crack.  Pain flooded her body until she could no longer feel anything.

She lay on the ground, every short inhale sharp and stinging, until even that ceased.  Claire's last  moment, her last  vision, was Ruthivan on his knees with  his mouth moving but  no sound. She tried  to smile, but  never knew if it ever showed on her face. 

All  was a blur as her spirit recoiled from her shell and crept down into  Toril to rejoin with the heartbeat of the planet.