Grecia Gaiannas - background history

Grecia is a slender man about 5 ft 8 in height and perhaps weighing 150 pounds soaking wet ,with dark-brown hair cut moderatly short. His Bright blue eyes twinkle at every new discovery. His pockets overflow with dried plants, many having readily known Medicinal value, and some rather unusual ones too. His right wrist have an unusual mark - it almost looks as if a number of Bright Red Roses are entwined about it with their buds in various stages of being open. When asked about the rose birthmark he will readily relate that this is a birthmark, supposedly a gift of appreciation to one of his ancestors in rememberence of some deed to an organization called .. Something of the rose. However, much time has passed, the group vanished into the pages of history, and his family - mother a retiring "Witchwoman" who could heal using herbs, and father a skilled hunter/provider have also. While he was growing up, his parents taught him what they could of herbology and a love of nature as well as some skill hunting. Unfortunately, for Grecia and his family, during his 16 year,while Grecia was out vending some of his mothers crop of herbs, strangers came and killed his parents, After looting all of apparent value, they left. When Grecia returned home. He buried his p arents, cleaned up the mess as best he could, gathered everything of value *his mothers herb books were left as being worthless* and struck off to find a new place to live and learn what he could of the attackers so he might, perhaps, someday find them and put them to rest too. Meanwhile, the question of his birthmark and what the story behind it is also one for him to discover...