Protectors of House deMystra
[Posted on a tree in Market Square] Greetings
to All. I am Jhinta il'Sthan, Captain of the Guard of the Protectors of
House deMystra. I would like to make known the goals of the group. First
and foremost, Our main goal is to defend the life of Seline deMystra in
her adventures. Secondly, To bring honor and prestige to House deMystra
with our actions and skill with arms and spellcraft. Third, To defend the
lives of members, and to defend the property of Cult and House with equal
ferocity. To work together as a team, and form bonds that transcend race,
religion, and social status. We aim to gain power in the Realms, and use
that power to aid our cause, which we believe is a good one. Any that feel
that they can contribute to the cause, either with money or manpower, you
are welcome to contact us. To contact us, leave a note for Jhinta, Laesthil,
Jeriah, Litharem, Silph, Darren, Liliandra, Maya, Adaire, Circa, or Sirus.
Post it in Market Square and we will pick it up. It would be best to leave
notes for multiple members, as we are not all in town all the time. Thank
you for reading this note. Jhinta il'Sthan, Captain of the Guard Honor
and Blood.
Roleplay Note,