Glade of Stars

Sanria spent long enough hiding in the Illuminati Clan Hall, and she knew this fact in that the words on the pages of her book were starting to move of their own accord against the eggshell-colored pages. She slammed the book closed, after all, she really did know all there was to know about herbs, and grabbed her pack.

Using all the magic of her clan, she arrived in Market Square unnoticed and headed south. She could already see the bench in Festival Square and Tony's pizza stand. It was familiar, even for all the idiotic rantings Tony spouted, doubly amplified by the raging, bible-thumping prophet. They were at odds, those two, forever locked in a battle of indulgence and piety. Sin of gluttony, and sin of... of... ungluttony.

Sanria walked to the bench, her mind flashing back to a time long past and friends long gone. Sitting upon it, she ran a hand on the white wash and tears sprang to her eyes. Here was where she realized what she had to do to change the course of her life. Here, they had all realized just how much Sanria loved Thasmudyan. Here, she understood that she would never be happy unless she were given fully to the man dressed in white. Here, on this bench, she stopped lying. "Damn, whore, buy somma my fuckin' pizza!" Tony Jr. yelled. "You come here every day - buy some-a goddamned pizza! You think you're-a too good for my-a pizza?"

The words meant nothing to her as Sanria's eyes connected to the fountain. She was losing herself to her past, seeing it as though she were still there, when a familiar voice pulled her to the loveless place she currently resided. Green eyes and a kind smile greeted her, as Throm invited her to his home. It was a tour for tour, and though part of Sanria's heart ached to leave the square, she wouldn't deny someone else happiness at giving back.

Throm's home was massive and absolutely beautiful. Everything about the home was stunning, right down to the indoor stars. He had fountains, balconies, fireplaces, and a ballroom that put almost everything she had seen to shame. The music filled the room and she wanted nothing more than to dance - but it was a desire that would not be spoken of - not here.

They ended their tour (after so much by way of enjoyable chatting, a quick snack of chicken... or was it dinner...), in the one place Sanria had already drawn into her heart. The Glade. The magic took the sound from the city away and in the heart of the trees and the blanket of sky above, her very soul was soothed. They both lay there, looking up at the sky (occasionally Sanria would steal a glance at Throm, her eyes lingering a hair too long before she would remind herself that it was rude), until at last - Sanria knew she had to go. With a peck on the cheek in way of thanks, she went back to her clan hall.

Sanria stared now at the table, not aware that she didn't even have a book in front of her, and thought of the paths life can take, and how sometimes, things really are a matter of black and white.