Planning and Preparation (part 2)

It had been several days since the imp had started the search on Vorcet's behalf. Vorcet had not been idle, he had done is own searching in tandem for more people that understood his view on things. Demosthenes had always been a loyal friend and trusted person within both Kossuth's church, and the Crimson Guardians. He was whole heartedly dedicated to whatever purpose life had for him at any given time. A perfect person to help Vorcet with finding others. 

The Imp's reports had brought in several promising bits of information. Vorcet intended to seek those people out and chat with them as well. In the end There needed to be enough people to be able to watch the goings on of the world from all angles, to gather information, and to interpret it appropriately.

The followers of the elemental gods and goddesses made perfect candidates. All of them have a distinct interest in maintaining the balance.  Without it even their element would become a victim of the impending disasters as had already happened. Mystra's followers were also prime targets. One of the earliest teachings a wizard recieves was of the balance involved in the weave and magic itself.

One by one he would gather people and create the network of people needed to keep eyes on things accross the globe. It would take time, but time was something Vorcet had in excess. However his first priority was to find Demosthenes.