
She woke up before Colin and walked out onto the balcony. She watched the sun crest over the land to the east, its fingers stretching over the forest as though it were clawing to rise from the ground. She listened as the silence of night vanished beneath the chattering and chirping of the squirrels and birds. She could barely make out some buildings to the west - a city perhaps - but she didn't know. She didn't know anything.

"Oh, there you are," Colin said. "Good morning."

"Good morning..." she managed.

"Um... last night..."

"I think that it was a sign. I should not be here."

"But you do... I know you can't remember. But this is where you belong."

"No. Sanria belongs here. I don't know who I am, but I'm not Sanria."

Colin seemed desperate, but no matter what he said, she didn't listen. She simply couldn't stay and be expected to behave like this woman who was nowhere to be found. It frustrated her just how much the man wanted to accept blame - as though her choice to go away was his fault. He couldn't understand what it was like to come "home" to a place that remembered you as someone else - a someone you never had met and never knew.

She walked into the bedroom, finally gaining agreement that she would stay in the nearby town, and readied to pack. It hit her suddenly and with brutally crushing swiftness that she had no idea what to take. She had no idea where anything was. She was utterly helpless in this life.

Colin offered her a bag and she began throwing things in. Brushes, combs, robes, sashes, bottles of this or that - she had no idea what went into the bag and didn't stop until she heard Gilean's voice at the bedroom door. "Are... you going somewhere?"