
Velentham landed and had his clear view of the beast that stood drooling in anticipation before him. He would make quick work of this one. He used his speed to get around behind Colin and shoved him as hard as he could. He did not anticipate Colin having speed to match, and he found himself beneath the muscle-bound man, his head meeting with a skull- shattering blow delivered by Colin's. He was only momentarily shaken before recovering.

Out of nowhere, roots and vines burst from the ground, pulling both of the men apart. "Stop... please..." Sanria said, walking between the two of them. "When the eyes are normal... I will continue." Velentham was able to calm himself by degrees as the woman turned to him. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Do you understand me?"

"You are going to come with me, Sanria. I came all this way and you WILL come."

SLAP! The sting from her small hand shocked Velentham. "I don't care how far you came or how far you have to go to get back. What you've done here is unacceptable and inexcusable. You will leave and go away and never come back."

Velentham scowled openly as Sanria walked away from him. She was kneeling beside the animal she called a husband and it drove Velentham insane. How could she choose that? He began to whisper, his incantation melting the vines and roots away. With nothing to hold him back and all other parties not paying any attention, he rushed forward and gripped Colin's head in his hands.

Velentham chanted hard and loud, seeing Colin's mind like a map. He pressed with his full mental weight, a prowess trained for such maneuvers, and shoved Colin's memories of his family and Sanria deep down. So far there would be little chance of his ever recovering them without a very skilled caster.

He was knocked off his feet by Sanria, who screamed out, "Velentham! What did you do!!!"

"I fixed it so that he knows what it feels like to not remember," he said as he watched Colin go limp within his root confines.