Like a Good Hostess

No sooner had Sanria offered Thasmudyan a place to stay, than Colin asked if he was still staying at Throm's. "Colin... Throm is dead... I don't really think it's appropriate for him to return to a dead man's home." She stood before Thasmudyan. "You are welcome to stay here for as long as you need."

Sanria had already walked behind the falls before realizing that Colin and Thasmudyan were still standing behind. She peered from the falls, watching as the men, unnoticed, spoke in low tones. She turned away with a deep sigh. She could not hear them, but she could only imagine. From the start, Colin had been behaving as though he were afraid. Afraid of what, she did not know, but Sanria could not help but feel as if she were being protected once more.

Once inside, when Colin had found himself looking after Orn, Sanria sat with Thasmudyan in the kitchen. The man was ravenous, but that did not concern Sanria. What she wanted to know was how after all his deaths, he managed to remember where she was left with nothing. To this, there was no answer, and a new concern cropped up. "Thasmudyan, why didn't he tell me I was engaged to Throm?"

"You'd have to ask him that."

"Ask who what?" Colin asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"... nothing," Sanria replied.

The conversation when back immediately to the lifestream, how Thasmudyan had been in it, how he had closed a hole, that Brin and Visha had vanished after it all. It drove Sanria mad. She could not remember, she could not join the conversation. At long last, Sanria looked over at Thasmudyan. "You are a healer," she began. "Can you help me remember?"

"Sanria," Colin chided. "What about what the druids said?"

Like a cowed child, Sanria rose. Colin did not wan her to remember anything. He was happy with where they were, but no matter how hard she tried, Sanria couldn't be. The black wall was sitting there, just as impenetrable as ever. She excused herself in a deep frustration, opting to keep her thoughts to herself as well as her desire to return to her former understandings.