Mountaintop Removal

Sanria should have sensed that things weren't going to go according to plan when she walked out to yell at Velentham. The truth was she was beyond angry. She had, indeed, loved Velentham in the past and had wanted to stay with him, but that was a lifetime ago. For him to come into her home and go into her mind and share all he found there with Colin to try to hurt him was beyond even her limits for forgiveness.

Sanria was adamant in her refusal of him, but it didn't seem to make the slightest impression on Velentham. He grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace and held her there against his chest. "You need me, Sanria. I need you. I came through the nine hells for you, I am not going to give up. I won't take no for an answer."

"You... are going to have to, Velentham."

"I won't see you unhappy."

"I'm not unhappy, and you're going to have to let go of me now."

"You can't lie to me."

Velentham lifted her easily into his arms, and Sanria felt her heart go into overdrive. She couldn't manage a singular protest before he was up in the air, flying faster than any spell could manage, and landing on top of a distant mountaintop. This was not playing out well at all.

It didn't matter what came out of her mouth, Sanria could not get Velentham to leave her alone. The more she refused, the more she began to feel a peculiar sensation enter into her mind. Her thoughts came to her slower, her whole body began to relax into every touch and kiss he placed on her. She felt as though her thoughts were sinking beneath water and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't rise above them.

It was at least an hour before Velentham finished with her and the weight of calm and relaxation began to recede. As his influence left her, Sanria was left sitting in shock. She couldn't believe him as he looked over at her, his face concerned. "Please, don't regret this..."

"Take me home... please."


"Just take me home. And when we get there... you need to leave."

"Sanria -"

Sanria got up, remembering only then that she did have abilities. Know- ing, remembering, that she could have left well before anything happened nearly made her sick. She had been so long without her magic, unable to cast, the idea had no place in her mind. She let out a sob and cast a moonwell, vanishing to the cavern beyond without another word.