Trading Lives

Velentham got up and went through the moonwell to find himself in the garden of the cavern. He swiftly went through the various rooms, looking for Sanria. He would explain to her that she just didn't remember him properly and that Colin had brainwashed her to be against him. If she would just give him the chance to show her the right way, things would be alright.

It was clear she wasn't in the cavern, but she couldn't have gone far. As he went to leave the library, he heard the voices coming from outside. Velentham opened the door to see Sanria sitting on a blanket with Colin and their baby, sobbing. Colin's hand was on her shoulder and Velentham felt his bile rise.

"Colin." Velentham said by way of greeting, giving the larger man a nod.

"Velentham. What's going on? What did you say to Sanria?"

How dare Colin question him. "You want to know?"

"Please... stop it," Sanria said, turning to look up at him.

"He wants to know. I think he should know."

"Look, I don't know what you're playing at Velentham but Sanria told you to leave. I think you need to listen to her."

Velentham knelt down and put his hand to Colin's temple. He forced into Colin's brain, in a matter of seconds, everything from Sanria coming out of the cavern to chastise him to him pouring his energies into her to him relishing her body for an hour on the top of a mountain.

The big man suddenly knocked Velentham's hand away and nearly jumped to standing. Velentham slowly rose, looking down his nose at Colin with a very slight smirk. Colin spoke, his voice choked, "Sanria... take the kids inside."