
Gilean stood in New Thalos, arguing vehemently with his celestial cousin. No matter what Gilean said Velentham still insisted on persuing Sanria. And what was worse, he was even talking about restoring her memories. The same experiences that had driven the woman to suicide.

Gilean pleaded angrily 'Last I saw her she was happy. You would take that from her just to see if it will be different with you?'

'I know it will be. I don't have to wonder.' Velentham responded unquestionably.

The arrogance of his cousin was unbelievable. 'Veltntham, people are not toys! They are not your playthings!'

Apparently Velentham had heard enough. He stood up straighter, his eyes darkening. 'We're done.' Velentham turned and strode away with clenched fists, leaving Gilean there alone.

Gilean was practically furious as he watched Velentham walk away from him. It seemed as if all the animocity he had ever felt toward his people was embodied in that single receeding figure. The arrogance, the haughtiness, the closed-mindedness, the rush to judgement, all condensed into a single individual that just had to be his cousin.

What was worse, Velentham's father, Gilean's uncle, had just sacrificed himself to see them though on their journey so Gilean was the only family that jackass had left. That, coupled with the fact that Sanria was only alive, albeit minus her memories, because of Gilean's actions gave the priest an almost oppressive sense of responsibility in this situation.

Gilean had to do something but Velentham just wouldn't listen. Gilean had to stop him... or at least slow him down before he could locate Sanria and potentially destroy the poor woman's life. An idea popped into Gilean's head and, blinded by frustration and desperation, he grasped it.

With a word, Gilean disappeared in a swirl of gold.