
"You... still feel that strongly?" Sanria asked, and for a moment, she gave over to a tinge of regret. Colin's fears rang in her mind...

"I'll explain. It's the sort of thing that, since it's shared between two people... whether you feel anything depends a lot on how you go about it. Maybe this other woman who kidnapped Colin was being selfish, and just focused on herself. But if she focused on him, and really loved him.. it'd be harder for him to feel nothing, if that makes sense. As for me, well... I'm just that sort of person who doesn't do things half-assed. If we were to do ...that... I'd want to be sure you enjoyed it."

The implication of the message was not grasped by Sanria. Had she listened, she might have heard the underlying message beneath. Thasmudyan was not Arlenia. But her own nerves rattling kept her from catching what might have slowed her decision.

"I suppose I will just have to accept what he says..."

"It's up to you."

"Well... I came to you with my thoughts and my offer. But if it's asking too much... I understand."

"No... you don't ask too much."

Sanria could feel the desire riding on the connection they still shared from their previous healing encounter. It was hard not to absorb it and mix it with her own. "I don't want to pressure you into anything," Thasmudyan said, as though sensing her mind.

"I didn't want to do the same to you."

"I think you'll find that won't be a problem."

Sanria looked at Thasmudyan, her heart racing. She did not know this man, she did not remember their past together. Had she remembered, she might have avoided being healed. Had she remembered, she might have known what seemed to inevitably follow such times. But - she didn't remember, and that night she found herself with a stranger that her mind didn't know - but her body certainly did.