Return of the Painmaker

I've been free of mankind for so long, save one pain that I am  tethered to for the remainder of my days.  I saved her Sanria, and now I feel  what she feels and thank Lady Sune, wherever she may be, that I cannot see what she thinks. Now I follow her scent, leading her back through the trees to a man she loved, then didn't love, the loved, then didn't love then loved, then didn't love.  Such switching of partners I haven't seen since the last I stepped as an elf out of Lady Sune's temple.

The Haon'Dor is rife with the scent of rabbit and squirrel Something I'll have  to remember  for a quick meal once all  this is done.  Regardless... fix Colin. He is a foolish one as well. Loving someone as fickle as Sanria.  Fickle - like Lithanus was.  Never  settling down, always drifting hearts without  a  home.  Never committing  for long.  I never was very good at spreading love  to others.  Too worried.  Love stings like briar scratches and bites like fleas and you are never free of the memories.

I can't say I remember  this waterfall ever being here.  It must look foolish  seeing a woman and a wolf floating up to the sky... an island... this  castle.  Sanria resides here? These people... no... not people... what are they? They all seem  surprised by me, like  they know what I am without my telling them, and it puzzles them.  

I smell him already and that scent of his son.  It's been a long time since I've seen the boy. He must reside here, too. The silence in these rooms is incredible. It must be magic, or some sort of contrivance that enables it to be so peaceful. Though... Colin  does not look  at peace.  Colin is afraid.  'No fear.  I will  help.'  I must get accustomed to  speaking with these people again... I sound like a child.