One Enemy Shines

Such an eventful couple of days. Sliver had felt things a dutiful bug shouldn't have to feel, endure the stupidity of hatred, and discovered something from her clans history that was brought back home. All these emotions boiling inside caused the bug to really reflect on its feminine side, a side Sliver had long ago pushed to the side as a distraction, and well... A danger at times.

Back in New Thalos, Sliver roamed the museum of statues waiting for the messenger to arrive. It shouldn't be long. He would be curious, the messenger had simply been Sliver's way of giving time to sort out the odd storm that brewed in the bugs head. Things like the rose... Such a silly token. Who disappears and leaves a rose behind? What was that man thinking? Maybe he was just trying to get under the bug's 'skin'. But Sliver couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened in that encounter. Something was different about it? And then whispers of him leaving them from sources? By the Gods, could that mean that Sliver was right? There was hope in the man? Tingles of excitement trailed up the bugs back as the messenger arrived. Sliver read the simple words and uttered a transportation spell.

Upon arriving at the library Sliver quietly walked to Psycho. The rose previously frozen in time by the bug was taken out and displayed. Hiding true feelings that had not quite been explored, sliver speaks... Simple words, that held the weight of important decisions to come.

'There isss hope among the dead... One enemy shhhinesss...'