Strange Encounter

Aneh sat along the top of the bench, watching the foot traffic as it passed by. A slight frown settled across her face as her eyes stared blankly in one direction. Something wasn't right in the world. She didn't like it. But what was there to do about it? She had no proof anything was going on, really... A chill ran up her spine as she remembered the feeling of being watched the other day at the bakery.

Aneh focused on a small child that had been staring at her, shaking off her problems for the moment. The wide eyed child seemed rooted in place and Aneh felt a tug from somewhere deep inside of her. Something about the child was special but she couldn't quite place what. The child felt familiar, but Aneh knew she had never met the girl before. Aneh rose from the bench and approached the child who stared openly.
"What's your name child," Aneh asked softly, kneeling a foot away from the child. The child swallowed hard and reached a hand out, running her fingers over the odd studs that framed Aneh's features. Aneh closed her eyes at the touch, her world inwardly rocked with feelings innocently transfered from the child to her. She missed the child's name in the mass confusion inside her mind, and barely noticed as a worried parent came to take the hand of the child. "What do you think you are doing??" Aneh heard from the angry parent, as if she was under water. She shook her head to clear it, unable to fully regain her own senses. She sat back on the road, unable to move for a moment as the child was hauled away by the worried mother.

Aneh slowly stood after a few moments, her mind and vision finally clearing. The mother and child were gone, and Aneh was left alone in the dusty roadway, thoroughly confused about the encounter.