A Mass Demonstration of Sorts

Arcturus Mengsk, newly appointed and elected minister of the Vectorian Empire takes the stage. He takes a deep breath and clears his throat before he addresses the millions of Magitek Soldiers and Vectorian nobles in front of him. "Hear ye all, and lo and behold, our latest invention!" Arcturus says with pride, while unvealing from behind a luscious purple curtain, a machine of some sort, with pipes and various instruments running in and out of its machinery.

"I know, that you people of Vector, have a rich acquired taste, and because of the richness and vastness of our Empire, this acquired taste of yours will be met!" said Arcturus, his face almost in disbelief. "But fear not, for the Elected of Vector has heard your cries." Arcturus takes a few steps towards the machine and turns his back towards the crowd, and from his pocket, he pulls a jar, containing three little espers, dressed in red. Previously knights to a false cause, abandoned and left to rot perhaps also by their  aimless Esper leader knight. Arcturus grins as he puts his hands in the jar and grabs all three Espers at once, and shoved them into a pipe in the machinery.

Arcturus then presses a button. The machine starts hissing and pumping, and gears and metal begin moving, the three espers can be seen in fear from a see-through glass, as gears come closer and squash and minced them, with their flesh tearing from their skull and bones which already started cracking, their glowing hued blood, begin trickling down into a compartment, which fills a small champagne glass. Arcturus takes the glass, cheers the crowd, drinks it. And lifts the cup into the air. "It is good. Just like how it used to be." And the crowd gave a bellowing cheer.