Searching for Lifestream

Aneh kept a tight reign on her Chocobo. This path felt eerie, and she didn't want the beast getting spooked. She kept her eyes peeled as she climbed higher up the mountain path. A loud buzzing came roaring down upon her from behind. Aneh turned her head just in time to tumble off her mount. A giant bug had nearly taken her head off. Aneh closed her eyes, trying to communicate with the creature. All she felt was territorial aggression. Aneh watched the giant mosquito like creature circle overhead and come down for another swoop.
'SHIT' she thought, diving away once more. Aneh scrambled to her feet and uttered words of nature, calling on the mass of insects around her, hoping this would work. She had never encountered such a beast before! The mass of insects formed a black swirling vortex around Aneh. She shot her hands out towards the giant mosquito, urging her friends to attack it. She watched as the creature was devoured in mid-flight and felt a moment of panic as she hastily brushed herself off. She should have brought a team member. What was she thinking? She looked down at herself making sure she was in working order.
She looked around for her Chocobo and was frustrated to find the beast to have abandoned her. She was just having a general bad day. Whatever. Determined to go farther, Aneh uttered words of invisibility, fading herself out of view before trudging farther up the mountain path, being careful to go around any further native beasts she found along the way. She had heard there were places among these mountains where you could literally see the lifestream erupting in springs directly from the ground. If she could monitor that, maybe get a feel for it, she could further her research. With this thought in mind, Aneh entered a cave opening that led into the mountain, watching her step. It was close, she could feel it, like a pulse.