Phases of the Moon 1/2

Claire sat in the living room, a book in her lap, ignoring from the corner of her eye the fact that Ruthivan was sitting and staring at her. She kept reading the same passage over and over again:

"And when the one is brought forth, strong of mind and might, a  seeker  of true and noble  heritage, and pure  lineage, it is then our home shall be rediscovered.  The quest  to end all  quests, the  battle to end all battles, and we will find our way home. Our world to rebuild, our posterity safe as our  progenitors desired.  Espers in harmony with Espers, destructive hands far from our boundless lives.  Pure lands to extend into perpetuity unchanging."

'I read it,' Claire said quietly. 'Again,' he demanded.  'This time read it aloud.'

Claire sighed and read the passage.  She ended up in the living room after a night under heavy sedation.  She'd woken up completely  healed, barely remembering  the cloth clapped over her face that made  her groggy.  Barely  remembering the healer she didn't know, the esper who came into the room with the  same feelings  as Ruthivan.  Barely remembered being  healed completely, restored,  and  having magic worked on her to make her incredibly fertile. She did, however, recall as the sedative wore  off, the  promise.
  'If anything happens to this little one, we'll have to ensure you're kept ... calm.'


'Ruthivan, I don't need to-'
'Read it AGAIN.'