Phases of the Moon 2/2

Obediently, Claire read it and looked over at her husband.  'What do you want from me?' 
'I want you to realize that what I'm are doing is for the good of our people. There can't be one to find the true homeland if there isn't one! And the one to find it is pure.  Not a half-breed, not an Esper with a... celestial mongrel,' he spat.
'You don't care what I want.' 

'Only because you want the wrong things, my love. You need to see  clearly, and that will be my new task.  I will help you see clearly why things are the way  they are.  Our  bond, our  marriage, our  children; they  are all important to the survival of our kind.'
'Forcing yourself on one who doesn't want you?'

Claire  winced as Ruthivan crossed the space like a thunderclap.  He grabbed her arm and shook her, his eyes going hard in a moment. 'What has gotten into  you?  Why do  you keep  saying such asinine garbage?  We are married, we are  mates, and that is permanent.'  He finally let go of her and took a moment to clear his throat.  He sat down at her side, smoothing the sleeve of her robe.  'Claire, I love you, I want you to love me, too.  Love our family, love  what we are, and  have pride in the fact we are doing everything possible to help the passage in that book come true.'  He leaned in to her, his nose on her cheek.  'Do you love me?'

Claire closed her eyes and took in a slow breath. She could tell him what she truly thought, but it would  only send him  into a rage.  The quicksand rose  up, enclosing  her completely, cutting  off her breath  and clenching  her soul.  Her  flames that  had already been low, went out.  She nodded her head slowly.  'Yes.'
'Good.  Read it again.'