Lord of the Fallen

Shadows crowded in around the figure as it stepped within them, moving in impossible silence the dark figure crossed into the heart of the old catacombs, coming to a complete hault as it looked around itself, the eyes seeming to shed the darkness. "I need to know!" It shouted, it's hands moving towards the blades under it's cloak. "Who sired me! Why was I brought into this .... eternal darkness... Why send me into this endless damnation!" A torch lit up, providing light as several shadows entered the room, revealing the face and handsome very young features of the speaker. "The Bard.... Artanisssssss... Fool you are for seeking." Hissed a shadow, The shine of steel eminating from weapons around him. "This is someting... You will never learn." * * * * * A lone figure rose from one knee, covered with blood, much of it his own, even as he stood his wounds began to close and heal themselves. "With each kill I grow stronger." He rose his blade up, shining clean and free of blood to touch his forehead. "I will find you." He swore, his breath full of pain. "You will be made to pay for your crimes, for the hell you have forsaken me too." He grimced painfully as he turned on one foot, his teeth grit together bitterly as he staggered each step over the bodies.