The tormented visions of a young woman

Bethia sits in a small room, its stone walls cracked allowing slits of light to tease her with the distant smell of fresh air, far different from the dank and decay she smells now. She rocks silently, looking down at her pale skin smeared with slime from the moss covered walls, and the foul water she sits waist deep in, silently she calls out to The gods, her faith holding true, as her swollen and glassy eyes peer about her. Standing, she slips, and plunges into the water, jumping slightly as rats run about her, holding back tears she calls out "Somebody help me?, please!"she falls down again almost in defeat. They will not let me die, The Vampires can not win. Bethia folds her arms, and rests her head upon them, and sobs quietly for a while. She laughs suddenly looking about her, "I'm mad, who could possibly hear me, who would know I am here?"Bethia sighs, and begins to dig at the wall with her hands.