The vibrations

A creeping vibration hummed through the ground , all around Mirage could feel it. Her heart ached, it raceed with fear, a deep fear on that was almost out of control. Her hands trembled, beads of sweat poured down her forehead into her eyes, stinging them. The vibrations were getting stronger, she must do something, anything to get the key back. She knew if she didn't that those vibrations would become the thunderous sounds of the evil beings that were after it....and the thought of that was....mortifying. Tears ran down her cheeks, the vibrations causing painful spasms in her chest , nmaking it difficult to breathe, Mirage dropped to the ground, clutching her chest and heaving for breathe, Everything started to blurr as she fell to the ground, she looked up into the sky, nothing but a mass of grey blurr, the vibrations stronger then they have ever been before, she knew they were so close, searching looking. If only she were stronger, if only she had a way to stop this right now... this pain would stop, the key would be gone and they could be defeated. But as of right now there was nothing she could do but hope and gods, she was losing it slowly, she clung so tightly to what little hope she had left, she had come so far but lost so much with this war. the blurring got worse, mirage pressed her hand against her chest so hard that her hand began to ache and then her arm, then came the most severe pain she had ever felt, her body wriithed in agony. A firelike feeling ran from the base of her spin e to the top of her head making her cry out in pain. A voice came into her head as the vibration grew stronger around her, it cackled inside her head....telling her that all is lost for her and that she would die.....we shall see she thought and collapsed in pain, the vibration gone.