Bannor woke, his decrepit body screaming in its usual pain, another bad night and another bad day to look forward to. He looked down at his wasted body, a mockery of that which he remembered, a travesty of all that it should be. "Damn the gods" he thought "damn them all for this life they granted me". He thought back to the days spent floating in the void of light, the great Voice, not shouting, but deafening all the same, rang out the same words for eternity. "You have offended Life and now Life shall be your punishment, you preyed on the Weak and now Weakness shall punish you" On and on and on, no respite, no change, no variation, just on and on and on. After an eternity "ENOUGH!" screamed the spirit that was Bannor "NO more" he whimpered. No flash, no noise, just where there was void and Voice now there was noise, real noise, real voices.