The Knights and What I must do

Bethia walked about her lodgings this particular day thinking to herself as she watches the red haze slowly take the sky and stain it the color of blood. "I cant stand back and watch anymore, the world is going to ruin, To many people I love dying or threatened" Bethia sighs in sorrow. "This day it will stop" Bethia yells to herself suddenly "No more, will I stand back" Jumps up, and walks to her Chest, and opens the lid, and begins to fraw out an ancient Armor, beutiful engravings and regal imprints of hapiness and purity. "I'll take care of you realms, I will bring the people of good together to fight this on comming evil, I will join the Knights, and create the dream our lord and true Sylus once saw" "With Tanaka travelling the roads soon, I'll hold the Knights firm and take charge.... Evil will not prevail!" Taking her mothers Holy paladins sword Bethia, leaves her room to depart, and leaves to lead the Knights to Victory, to show them her dreams.