Rock and a Hard Place

Emalia woke up to the sound of musical chanting. Maxell walked slowly in the room, chanting as he swung his censer to and fro. The incense was that of sage, a sharp but healing scent, and it brought Emalia to her full waking state. "Kossuth educatoris de incendium. Kossuth patronus de Puniceus Praeses. Kossuth teneo ex consuetudo de noceo, ac perduco omnis de tenebra."

Maxell repeated his chant, unaware that Emalia was awake, listening. Without his knowing, she slid from the table and down the corridor, and with a spell, landed herself in Torregiano.

She had been here before on different errands, but still the city was a large maze for her. Eventually, she found her way to Elbryan's mansion, and let herself inside. She checked in many rooms until one of the butlers moved, as if floating, to her side. "May I help you?" he asked with an air of importance. It was obvious from his stature, he took his job quite seriously. "I need to speak with Sir Elbryan." "Mmmmm, this way."

With a short bow and after many stairs, the butler left her standing before the door to Elbryan's recreation room. She knew she was pushing herself, but she had to see him, and with a deep breath, she opened the door and popped her head inside.

Elbryan welcomed her in, and Emalia sat in the chair opposite him. "What brings you way out here today?" "I believe my time has come to an end with the Guardians. I have come to ask to be let go." Emalia sat with her head down, then looked to Elbryan as he spoke. "If they DO pose a threat are these the type of people you want to be associating with?"

Emalia spoke quietly, "Sir Elbryan, I cannot leave. I gave my vows. As for the danger... they have spies."

Elbryan was dismissive of this as he launched into several remarks on the state of his knowledge. "Is it enough for you to turn your back on us as well?" "My word. I gave my word." "You also gave your word to us, though not at knife point."

Emalia hadn't expected things to be easy, nor had she felt they would be so hard. She was frozen in two places. She had given her word to both the Guardians and to the Jihad and the only way she was beginning to see to get out was to fall forward onto the dagger. That, however, was something she wanted to avoid at all costs. "Grobnak's spies are hunting Hellstrom because you care for him and because he cares about you. I would evaluate which person is more truthful and more understanding in this affair further before making a rash decision."

Emalia could say nothing. Her weakness was at the point of dropping her to the floor, so before it could, she let go of her argument and vanished into her magical doorway.