The Child

Jayden made his way to the cookie shop, thinking it would be nice to sit around and relax his old bones. As he walked into the shop he noticed a small girl sitting at a table crying 'Oh my gosh, it is Emalia he thought to himself, he hobbled his way over to Emalia and asked her what was wrong. Jayden then proceeded to sit down, placing cane in lap and relaxing little bit, standing for a long time, was now beginning to bear it's troubles with him. Emalia began to speak of the Jihad, Jayden was confused as to how this could happen without him knowing of such things. As Emalia started to get scared of what Jayden would think or say to her, he raised a frail hand and placed it on top of Emalia's, to comfort her, and show her he would not leave her for a choice, he would never leave her side, little did she know the Jayden saw her as one of his own children, he loved this young girl as much as any father could love any son or daughter.

She began discussing Hellstrom, and how he played into this and Jayden felt the need to bring Hellstrom into the picture. Jayden reached a hand up to the Insignia upon his neck and began to run his frail fingers lightly over it. It took but five minutes and Hellstrom appeared at the door. His voice was loud but calm "Yes Jayden?" He motioned for Hellstrom to make his way over and to take a seat. Hellstrom got a little nervous and said if this was to belittle the Jenovese people he would leave because he told Emalia he would not do such a thing. Emalia told him to stay after much debate Jayden suspected.

As they all engaged in talk about what was going on, a loud thud sounded on top of the shop. Jayden was the first to hear this sound so he looked up, the rest followed in suit, and they all arose from their seats. Jayden told them what should be done, but the two youth in the shop had their own views, and telling youth what should be done, is a recipe for disaster. Jayden let it go and Hellstrom ended up leaving for the woods to draw out this intruder. Jayden and Emalia stood behind, as Sandorin made his way into the shop.

Sandorin sat down with Emalia, and Jayden motioned that he should part ways now. Emalia told him to stay "Please" she had said to him, so he took a seat and started speaking with this man who was but a few years younger than him. Once finished with the story Jayden peered over at Emalia and she was fast asleep on the table. Sandorin made an attempt to wake her up with his hand, but before the hand reached Emalia Jayden bolted his hand upward with a speed no one has seen the old man use, nor did most think he was capable, "No...let the child sleep, she will come back to the halls with me tonight."

Sandorin didn't quite like the gesture but he understood where the man was coming from. Soon after Jayden stood with cane in hand and picked Emalia up and hoisted her onto on should, lightly as not to wake her. Jayden uttered a few words and a portal the size of the two of them appeared, he walked through and the portal was gone.

Arriving at the hall, Jayden made his way down to an empty room and placed Emalia into a pre-made bed, he tucked her in and gave her a small kiss on the top of her forehead, "Goodnight my child."